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Product no.: 210702176_Detector PIR cortina dual Ajax_AJ-DUALCURTAINOUTDOOR-W
PIR detector outdoor dual curtain Ajax security grade 2 with detection up to 15 meters +34 680 630 525 |
Currently unavailable |
Product no.: 180325-cámara-ip-wifi-ezviz-detector-pir-batería-integrada-audio-integrado
Ezviz wifi IP camera with integrated pir detector, stand-alone battery, bidirectional audio and SD slot EZ-C3A .......................... |
205.70 €
138.85 €
You save 32 %
In stock |
Product no.: 180324-cámara-videovigilancia-wifi-con-detector-pir-visión-nocturna-conversación-bidireccional-focos
5-in-1 wifi video camera with pir detector, 2 x LED spotlights, siren, microphone, speaker, night vision EZ-CS-LC1-A0-1B2WPFRL |
350.90 €
236.86 €
You save 32 %
In stock |
Product no.: 20012-sensor-volumétrico-interior-tamper
Pir quad sensor Optex tamper tamper grade 2. Long range and discrimination of pets ......... |
17.30 €
11.68 €
You save 32 %
In stock |
Product no.: 180417-Detector-pir-cortina-ajax-doble-pir-cortina-antimasking
Ajax wireless bi-directional outdoor detector with microwave technology and double curtain PIR. Alarm without fees. |
179.69 €
Currently unavailable |
Product no.: 180342-Detector-pir-cortina-ajax-doble-pir-cortina-antimasking
Ajax wireless bi-directional outdoor detector with microwave technology and double PIR curtain type AJ-SOP2IRDT-W / 8435325439808 |
266.20 €
179.69 €
You save 32 %
Currently unavailable |
Product no.: 180239-detector-cortina-doble-tecnología-antimasking
Curtain detector double technology with antimasking for outdoor use.It has a range 12 meters 75 degrees with frequency microwave DEM-1278 |
110.18 €
74.37 €
You save 33 %
In stock |
Product no.: 180294-Detector-doble-PIR-inalámbrico-Ajax-tipo-cortina-868mhz
Double Ajax wireless PIR detector 868mhz bidirectional type curtain with antimasking. Immune to pets AJ-CURTAINPROTECT-W |
106.48 €
68.99 €
You save 35 %
Currently unavailable |
Product no.: 5081
Alarm Curtain Detector wiring. Paradox with antimasking Antimascota Grade 2.................. |
120.15 €
You save 10 %
In stock |
Product no.: 180280-detector-doble-pir-OPTEX-exteriores-ir-activo
OPTEX double PIR detector for exteriors of 12 meters, 85 °. With digital antimasking by going active HX-40RAM |
193.63 €
In stock |
Product no.: 180241-detector-AJAXdoble-PIR-exterior-inalambrico
Dual outdoor PIR detector with IP54 wireless protection Ajax 868 MHz Jeweler with antimasking immune to pets AJ-OUTDOORPROTECT-W |
285.56 €
128.50 €
You save 55 %
Currently unavailable |
Product no.: 180235-detector-ajax-optex-doble-pir-cortina
Ajax detector with double Optex PIR and Ajax wireless transmitter 868 MHz Jeweler, 12m detection per side AJ-BXS-R |
278.30 €
187.85 €
You save 33 %
Currently unavailable |
Product no.: 180234-detector-pir-optex-transmisor-ajax
Optex PIR detector with Ajax curtain type transmitter, double PIR per side with 12 m detection per side AJ-BXS-RAM |
283.60 €
170.16 €
You save 40 %
Currently unavailable |
Product no.: 180236-detector-ajax-optex-doble-pir-exterior
AJAX Outdoor Optex Detector type curtain with double pir on each side with a range of 12m / 40 degrees of detection per side BXS-R |
223.75 €
134.19 €
You save 40 %
Currently unavailable |
Product no.: 18035-Detector-Ajax-Exterior-PIR-Optex-Microondas
Ajax outdoor detector with passive infrared with optex sensor, microwave and 1600 meters of reach in open space |
230.73 €
138.45 €
You save 40 %
Currently unavailable |
Product no.: 18033-Detector-exterior-con-sensor-infrarrojo-pasivo-Ajax
Ajax exterior detector 12m range with double passive infrared sensor PIR and wireless transmitter 868 MHz Jeweler |
223.85 €
134.31 €
You save 40 %
In stock |
Product no.: 18034-Detector-Ajax-Exterior-PIR-Sensor-Optex
Outdoor PIR Ajax detector with Optex wireless sensor 868 Mhz Jeweler with AJ Transmitter of 1600m open range |
230.73 €
138.45 €
You save 40 %
Currently unavailable |
Product no.: 4109-PMD85
Outdoor Infrared Detector digital radio is immune to pets up to 40 kg Paradox................................... |
266.20 €
166.75 €
You save 37 %
In stock |
Product no.: 4802
Digital Infrared Outdoor Detector with 4 Dual Sensors lateral view two modes: either an area or two areas |
284.35 €
In stock |
Product no.: Detector-PIR-exterior
PIR volumetric detector solar outside. Wireless. Grade 1......................................... |
169.40 €
105.88 €
You save 37 %
In stock |
Product no.: 2013029
Outdoor alarm detector triple technology (microwave, infrared and digital algorisms) for alarm no fees. |
193.60 €
172.91 €
You save 11 %
In stock |
Product no.: 5079
OPTEX infrared detector pir outdoor double infrared............................................. |
171.82 €
You save 35 %
In stock |
Product no.: 5914
PIR detector technology outside triple, 2 Infrared and Grade 3 Detection range 10 m, wiring ........................................ |
In stock |
Product no.: 200912
DOUBLE INFRARED DETECTOR EXTERIOR, Range up to 12m with 110 °, with small animal immunity <20Kg |
60.27 €
42.04 €
You save 30 %
In stock |
Product no.: 4784
Outdoor Infrared Detector digital radio is immune to pets up to 40 kg Paradox................................... |
258.94 €
140.08 €
You save 46 %
In stock |
Product no.: 200995
Triple detector technology, AI (Artificial intellige.) Pet friendly up to 20 kg, range 12mx12m, at 110 º. |
111.55 €
70.18 €
You save 37 %
In stock |
Product no.: 5900
Light detector and solar panel for outdoor use ............................................................................................ |
152.34 €
105.88 €
You save 30 %
In stock |
Product no.: 4756
Infrared Detector Alarm Exterior Double Stacks Adaptive on all control panels 12 meters 100 degrees |
250.47 €
156.09 €
You save 38 %
In stock |
Product no.: 4755
Infrared Detector Alarm Exterior Double Stacks Adaptive Microwave on all control panels 12 meters 100 degrees |
326.10 €
205.48 €
You save 37 %
In stock |
Product no.: 2011239
Infrared Detector 868 MHz radio supervised outdoor (IP65),Active infrared anti-mask,Compatible with GTI central |
312.71 €
168.86 €
You save 46 %
In stock |
1 - 30 of 37 results |